Articles and talks that i have been part of.

One of my favorite ways to share my ideas is live on stage, where there’s so much more communication bandwidth than there is in writing, and I love interviews because they give me the opportunity to answer questions instead of just present my opinions.


A path with no thorns

Art of Living

“It’s amazing how Guruji can bring out knowledge in every small incident. It’s equally amazing to see his vision and grace transform the lives of so many. There are thousands of teachers in every corner making a difference.” Dinesh marvels at the way Sri Sri operated through so many different mediums. “I feel grateful and proud to be part of something like this, in this planet, at this time.”

कधी योगा, कधी मेडिटेशन.. आता संगीत! वाचा, आर्ट ऑफ लिव्हिंगचे स्वामीसोबतचा संवाद

दिव्य मराठी

संगीताच्या माध्यमातून अध्यात्म आणि अध्यात्मातून संगीत ही चेतना युवापिढीत जागवण्याचा आर्ट ऑफ लिव्हिंगचा प्रयास आहे. सोमवारी (दि. १२) नाशिक येथे ६००० बासरीवादक वेणुनाद कार्यक्रमातून विश्वविक्रम करणार आहेत. यानिमित्त आर्ट ऑफ लिव्हिंगचे पूर्णवेळ साधक स्वामी दिनेश काशीकर यांच्याशी संवाद...


Demystifying vedic traditions

Talks at Google

In this talk, I speak about how the Vedic knowledge has been structured. I also demystify some of the vedic traditions and help us understand the significance behind it. This talk helps connect ancient knowledge to our daily lives, making it practical and applicable for everyone..

You Are Spiritual! : Spirituality for the Modern Age


Often there is a question, 'What is spirituality?' and 'How can I be spiritual?' In this talk, I share my insights on spirituality and how it is not just about rituals and practices but a way of life. I also share how spirituality can be integrated into our daily lives.

The Unreasonable Guru

Live with Dinesh Kashikar

With a click baity title like that, i am sure you must be wondering was is this one all about. Go ahead, click on the link and find out.